Scottish biorefinery sends world’s first tanker of green chemicals
SCOTTISH BIOREFINERY SENDS WORLD’S FIRST TANKER OF GREEN CHEMICALS The first tanker of sustainably produced bioacetone and biobutanol has been dispatched from Celtic Renewables’ flagship biorefinery in Grangemouth, marking a…
Advantage Utilities supports net zero progress and energy savings for businesses through Carbon Reporting and Bureau Service
Energy and sustainability consultancy Advantage Utilities has underscored the need for businesses to explore carbon reporting and bureau services as the most effective means of achieving net-zero. The Climate Change…
Sky’s the Limit for The Rocket Group
Multidisciplinary company The Rocket Group, set up to provide pragmatic guidance, advice and solutions in Archaeology, Heritage, Ecology, Architecture, Construction, HR and Electrical Contracting, has achieved a multimillion-pound turnover in…